Mahtab Akber Rashdi became the first Pakistani woman to be elected as Treasurer – a top global leadership position in International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF).
IPPF works in over 170 countries to provide help, advice, services and supplies relating to any aspect of sexual, reproductive health and Family Planning. The honour was bestowed on her in the IPPF Governing Body elections 2018. In IPPF ranks she is also an elected Chairperson for its South Asia Region Executive Committee (Region comprises of 9 Countries of the south Asia), she is also Chairperson of Rahnuma-Family Planning Association of Pakistan (R-FPAP). Mahtab has previously served as President of Rahnuma-FPAP for two consecutive terms.
Mahtab is a committed human rights defender, one of her greatest achievements is to bring all women parliamentarians together to work for women’s rights over and above their political party affiliations. It was the result of these efforts that the Child Marriage Restraint Act was revised in Sindh Assembly and age of marriage for girls was raised to 18. She is highly respected for her bold stances in the face of opposition for the welfare of the women of this land.
In her latest global leadership position Mahtab plans to bring the South Asia perspective and concerns to the global forum.Ms. MahtabAkberRashdi has remained a prominent figure in Pakistan through her various accomplishments. Her spontaneous laugh and intelligence made her an instant celebrity at a very young age when she appeared on Pakistan Television as a talk show host in early eighties.She has served at many prestigious positions in Government of Sindh during her career as a civil servant since 1988. She has the honor of being the first woman secretary in the history of the Sindh Secretariat, where she served as Secretary Culture & Tourism, Youth Affairs & Sports, Secretary Social Welfare and Women Development, Secretary Education, Secretary Information and Secretary Inter Provincial Coordination. After her retirement she joined politics and became Member Sindh Assembly in the last tenure of Sindh government.
She holds a Master’s degree in Political Science from University of Sindh and Masters in International Relations from University of Massachusetts, USA.