Submitting a resolution in the Senate for the disapproval of The Higher Commission (Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 (No. IX of 2021) and the Higher Commission (Second Amendment) Ordinance, 2021 (No. X of 2021), PPP Parliamentary Leader in the Senate, Senator Sherry Rehman said, “I have moved a resolution under sub rule (2) of rule 145 of the Rules of Procedure & Conduct of Business in the Senate 2021, read with sub paragraph (iii) of paragraph (a) of clause (2) of the Article 89 of the Constitution for the disapproval of these ordinances”.
“We cannot let Tabahi Sarkar compromise HEC’ autonomy. Bringing this ordinance overnight to change the term of the HEC chairman from four years to two years is surprising,” she added.
Rehman said, “Instead of investing in education to ensure the future of our country, this government has in fact reduced HEC’ budget. Their priorities are so skewed that they have not been able to even allocate a fixed percentage of GDP to higher education”. “It is shocking that budget allocations for HEC have not kept up pace with the growing needs of the sector. Instead, this government is after our reputable state institution and destroying it,” she added. Vice President PPPP Senator Sherry Rehman concluded by saying that, “The government needs to realise that this is not a decision that they can take on their own. Why were these Ordinances not laid in the Parliament for discussion? We will not let them bypass the Parliament and attack HEC’s autonomy”.