A review meeting on Punjab Government’s Annual Development Plan (ADP) 2021-22, chaired by the Chief Secretary Punjab, Jawad Rafique Malik was held at the Planning and Development Department, Lahore. The meeting focused on reviewing Punjab’s Development profile and in particular the status of ADP 2021-22 in perspective of allocated budget, releases and utilization.
The Chief Secretary Punjab expressed his satisfaction on the current status of projects and urged the Departments to continue with focused efforts in their sectors to ensure proper utilization of public funds. He applauded the efforts of the Planning and Development Board for stepping ahead in streamlining the procedures.
Secretary P&D, Mr. Imran Sikandar Baloch, briefed that against 4,686 un-approved schemes at the beginning of the Financial Year, 4,046 schemes had been approved till August 2, 2021. It was also informed that Finance Department had released 100% funds allocated for On-going schemes. The budget allocated for ADP was Rs. 560 billion where releases at Spending level stood at Rs. 91 billion. Division-wise Approval status of schemes was also discussed in detail.
The Chair observed that to ensure fast track implementation of ADP 2021-22, the Guidelines and timeliness notified by the CM Punjab should be followed in letter and spirit. According to the Guidelines, Commissioners and Deputy Commissioners would undertake weekly progress review meetings, while Ministers and Administrative Secretaries will be holding bi-weekly progress review meeting through SMDP Portal. Chairman P&D Board has to hold sectoral progress review meetings at Provincial level on fortnightly basis, and the Chief Secretary Punjab would hold bi-monthly Departmental progress review meeting. It was also informed that Chief Minister Punjab will also hold ADP review meeting on quarterly basis.
For implementation of the above cited guidelines, robust quality control mechanism needs to be put in place by the Administrative Departments to ensure quality work as desired by the vision of Chief Minister Punjab. The hiring of contractors will be made on transparent basis with no compromise on quality work. The bottlenecks hindering implementation of ADP must be highlighted in precise terms and indicated to the P&D Board or the concerned quarters for redress. Chairman P&D Board Mr. Abdullah Khan Sumbal added that the Punjab Government, following the vision of Chief Minister Punjab, is working assiduously to ensure that the utilization is result-oriented and has convergence with as well as draws upon the complementary efforts aimed at Economic Growth and Sustainable Development. He apprised that the next ADP Review in the P&D Board will be held on August 9 or 10.
Meeting was attended by Administrative Secretaries, Members of the P&D Board and other Senior Officers of concerned Departments.